It should be noted that I’m no writer, but this is something I’m very proud of and I wanted it to come from me, not from someone who I paid to write it.


So, it’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that I rock a bald head and I’m proud to do so, but that wasn’t always the case. When I first began to lose my hair, I wanted to hold on to it for as long as I could, until one day I decided to shave my head and see what it was like. Since then, I never looked back. When friends of mine were struggling to keep their hair, and thought they would “look funny,” with a bald head, I always made it a point to give them confidence. I always would encourage them to do so, even offering to shave it off for them, but ultimately, I let them make the decision on their own, just as I did.


After a few more of my friends shaved their heads, I had bracelets made to say, “BALDSTRONG,” to remind them of the unity that we had, and also as a reminder to the confidence that they gained to overtake a small “problem,” in their life.


After the bracelets were made, and thanks to some of my loud-mouthed friends, I had more and more people coming up to me saying things like, “BALDSTRONG!” or even, “I got a bald head,” and with that I got to thinking. “If I could make a small impact on my friends lives, why not try to broaden the scale?” With that, and my loving wife’s obsession with her new Cricut machine, BALDSTRONG was born.


My goal with BALDSTRONG is to make money which we can then donate portions to different charities of our choosing. Cancer sucks. We all know this. But when someone needs to be at their strongest, they go for chemotherapy and sometimes lose their hair. They must embrace being bald, “Lose the weakness (Hair),” and fight back against the cancer.


The charities we’ll be focusing on are ones which are actively researching against cancer so for example, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I also want to focus on charities which are focused on improving the lives of people affected by Alopecia.


I could go on and on with different charities, and ones that are near and dear to me, but also support the idea of BALDSTRONG and I am always open to hear about other charities I can contribute to as well.


I guess what I’m trying to say is, “Shave the Weakness.”

